Sunday, May 8, 2011

White Bentley Gt Coupe

White Bentley Gt Coupe. +entley+continental+gt+
  • +entley+continental+gt+

  • Mike Oxard
    Mar 29, 09:24 AM
    For $1000 you would go a long way to getting a mac mini with a 1TB drive and get it hosted at macminicolo ( Send them a secod hand mini and it'd be cheaper. Not sure how nice the experience would be streaming stuff to your phone over 3G though :o

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. entley gt speed 2011,
  • entley gt speed 2011,

  • Eldiablojoe
    May 6, 01:56 PM
    I would prefer not to be separated from my beloved wife. I don't really trust some of you who possess less than honorable intentions.

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. Bentley Continental GT GT
  • Bentley Continental GT GT

  • Stelph
    Mar 30, 03:26 AM
    Hammer, meet nail head. I'm an American, and unfortunately I must agree with iliketyla's assessment. There is this incredible sense of entitlement that has pervaded American culture. So many people want at least $20 per hour, but [insert deity or lack of one here] forbid they should lift more than two pounds.

    Enter the illegal immigrants, who find the pay good enough to live on, not to mention the location, location, location. Hmm... $5 an hour harvesting lettuce heads for hours on end, or dodging drug-cartel bullets in Ciudad Juarez day and night. Not too tough a decision for me, and IMHO one worth the risk of getting caught by US border police.

    Here in the UK a couple of months ago there was quite a good program on this, where a group of Brits who were unemployed and were very vocally against immigrants "coming over here and taking our jobs" were given the chance to work alongside them in the same job to see how they would do.

    Turned out the vast majority of the Brits were very lazy and undermotivated, the work was sub-par and they gave the impression that they just felt that as they had been born in the UK they were entitled to a job rather than entitled to it because they worked hard. That being said, there were two guys who I had a lot of respect for as at the start of the program they were the same as the others, but then picked up an "anything that they can do, I can do better" mentality and totally committed themselves to the job, as it turned out they did very well and by the end they were offered jobs as they showed they were good workers

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. Bentley Gt Coupe 2011.
  • Bentley Gt Coupe 2011.

  • Chundles
    Sep 11, 04:26 AM
    Does anybody know where this will be streamed to in London? Will it be in some sort of conference centre just for journalists, or will it be a public stream, maybe to the stores and/or the web?


    If it's anything like the last one that got a stream to Europe it will be just a small room at the BBC somewhere just for invited journalists.

    Apple haven't done public/store streams of any events for a long time now. You'll be able to watch it online a little while after the event.

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. You unpacked the new white
  • You unpacked the new white

  • BRLawyer
    Aug 4, 03:10 PM
    1. If you check Apple's knowledge database or the manual that come with MBP, it actually says not to put this laptop on top of your lap, or it'll cause discomfort and potentially a burn with prolonged use. Now that's a new thing for a Powerbook or iBook user. Almost all the reviews of MBP state one con throughout, and thats the heat it dissipates. I own a MBP 2.16 Ghz and let me tell you it is very uncomforting to keep this on lap even through the clothing. Forget about using it in shorts unless you are in Alaska.

    2. Less than three hours is not outstanding when you compare MBP to its predecessor and not PC notebooks.

    3. The 17" MBP is as thin as 15.4". Why does it have faster D/L SD ??

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. 2005 Bentley Continental GT
  • 2005 Bentley Continental GT

  • chris975d
    Mar 27, 07:07 AM
    The rumors talking about the iPad 3 are mostly saying it would be a different model than the current iPad. There's multiple Macbook Pros. Don't be surprised if there are multiple iPads, like an iPad pro.

    I, like a few other members here, believe this may be the most likely scenario. People keep talking of a rumored "iPad 3" being launched in the Fall, but I think it might just be a misunderstanding, and it's actually a larger iPod Touch...somewhere in the 5 to 7 inch range. Apple really pushes the touch as a gaming device, and this size (5 to 7 inches) would be great for that. In my opinion, the 3.5" size of the current touch/iPhone makes it hard to the time you put onscreen controls (virtual thumbstick, action buttons, etc), you have very little screen for gameplay left.

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. The fabulous Bentley GT Coupe
  • The fabulous Bentley GT Coupe

  • Eidorian
    May 4, 05:13 PM
    Whatever is cheaper. Steam sales have coddled me.

    If they are using the App Store for distribution then I'd assume a new feature of Lion is "Build a Recovery DVD". That means you can write your own install DVD to be used after a crash.One would hope.

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. Bentley Continental Gtc White.
  • Bentley Continental Gtc White.

  • Shivetya
    May 4, 05:13 PM
    Just as long as they don't make it the preferred method for others to distribute software or it to become the only way. They can distribute their software how they like

    The day I can only get apps via the App store is the last day I use my Mac

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. Bentley Continental Gt Coupe
  • Bentley Continental Gt Coupe

  • baleensavage
    Apr 26, 02:50 PM
    This is hardly surprising considering only Apple manufactures iOS phones and new Android phones are coming out each week. What's clear from this data is RIM and the others are quickly on their way out and many of those people are buying Android phones. But I do agree with others that Apple needs to start upping their game to compete. They should start with a low-end phone that has a smaller non-retina display and a few less other features that could get iOS devices into the hands of those that won't buy an expensive smartphone.

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. Bentley GT COUPE 2005 BENTLEY
  • Bentley GT COUPE 2005 BENTLEY

  • maclaptop
    May 4, 09:30 PM
    Why is everyone getting so bent out of shape so early? First off, this is hear say and not officially stated by Apple yet. If that time comes, I'm sure there will be the option of a physical disk, or some way to make a bootable install disk using disk utility. I mean this thing is already 9 pages long of people flipping out that OMG!!! ITS A DOWNLOAD!!! Guess what? Microsoft offers windows as a download, and guess what? You can burn it to a physical disk.. I can't believe so many people are already jumping the gun on a RUMOR. It's a RUMOR until Apple officially announces it...

    Perhaps its people realizing that the marriage of iOS & OS X signals a degree of uncertainty, mistrust, or just plain doubt based on an unpredictable Apple. Or not.

    Maybe its those in the crowd who have the technical comprehension, to cause them to question Apple's true intentions.

    Then again it could be that many are sensing a new less interesting era of appliance like simplicity.

    "Look ma, even grandma Evelyn can use this".

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. Jordan Sells Bentley That
  • Jordan Sells Bentley That

  • jholzner
    Aug 3, 11:40 PM
    MBP Merom anyone? Appleinsider has always been this may happen. This WWDC is gonna be great!

    I'm gonna go on record and say they will NOT intro new MBP at wwdc. Some sales of the current MBP are better than none and if they they intro a new one they will not sell any and probably just take pre orders. Not gonna happen. They will wait until late August or early September to announce them when they are actually ready.

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. Bentley Continental GT GT
  • Bentley Continental GT GT

  • ravenvii
    May 3, 11:28 PM
    No, I don't understand it that way. I understand that each group (one if we stay together, multiple if we split up) designates a leader. We do ALL of our conversation in the thread. Only the group leaders communicate the wishes of their group to the Game Gods via PM. They may take the consensus of the group, or they may implement decisions unilaterally without regard to group majority.

    Correct in all aspects, except the leader posts the action in the thread, in bold. No PM.

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. Bentley Continental GT.
  • Bentley Continental GT.

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 18, 04:02 PM
    Ridiculous. Nothing is at all similar, aside from the bezel.

    Perhaps you need to actually look at an iPhone 3GS and a Galaxy Tab sometime.

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. Breitling for Bentley GT
  • Breitling for Bentley GT

  • Slurpy2k8
    Apr 7, 02:10 PM
    Ehh, purposeful or not (as a sabotage)...not good news for iPad competition:( Which isnt good news for us iPad users...Apple needs constant pressure to release revolutionary products.

    Uh, no they don't. Where was the 'constant pressure' when they released the iPad? The iPhone? The iPod? Apple has released its most revolutionary products in markets with mediocre products, and have essentially created new markets with their products, which when released were not in competition with anything. Apple functions independently from 'competition'- They're not a reactive company. Your assertion has absolutely no historical evidence.

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. Bentley Continental GT GT
  • Bentley Continental GT GT

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 11, 07:27 AM
    Only for those with a lack of understanding of basic math. Again, the problem is not the equation per say, it's the people that don't understand mathematics.

    Nobody uses / when writing down by hand (they do when programming on a computer- fine), or at least they shouldn't. It doesn't matter if / has a strict definition if it is not strictly enforced. I did a chemistry degree, and that obviously involves maths. Yet, if someone had emailed by an equation like this I would have asked for clarification, because I know they are thinking in terms of two lines (using ______).

    I'd say it is an assumption to presume that / literally means / in this case. The most likely scenario is it is only being used because this is a forum, in writing (or in proper software like LaTex) it would be written on two lines. The most logical answer is 288; however, I can't say what the original author intended.

    Hum, no it's not. Where did you this "clarity" from ? / is the division sign. Even if it is a fraction sign, 48/2 is the obvious fraction. Anything else requires assumptions and interpretations which have no room in mathematics.

    It's a joke. The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Note the username is Don't Panic.

    What do you get if you times 6 by 9?

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. Her whole body Bentley
  • Her whole body Bentley

  • MattG
    May 7, 09:05 PM
    Finally, they'll be charging what the service is worth!

    No kidding. I wouldn't mind paying the fee every year if they'd just make MobileMe web-mail work worth a damn. SO slow...freezes up constantly. It's pretty much an every day thing, I have to refresh my browser or just close it completely and log back in, because a page I click on simply won't load.

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. Bentley Continental GT Coupe
  • Bentley Continental GT Coupe

  • j26
    Nov 22, 12:35 PM
    Okay, I've heard here a lot, that people want simple integration/syncronization with iTunes, iPhoto, iCal, & Address Book. These are all, (minus iTunes) 100% Mac-Centric. PC users would only get integration/syncronization with iTunes. What good is that to them? At that point you only have iPod + Phone.

    So Apple has a choice: Mac-Centric or not.

    Knowing Apple, their first choice is "not" (which doesn't mean it will start out that way, but we'll just have to wait to find out). Apple would then have to either write iCal et al. for Windows or build in support for Outlook, ...uh... photo viewer... whatever PCs use for photos.

    Both are daunting tasks.

    Conclusion: In order for Apple to make a phone as good and as universal as the iPod, it will have to accomplish one of the aforementioned daunting tasks.

    Making a phone for Mac users would be a walk in the park, because 1) it's such a small microcosm, 2) It's an environment that they are familiar with.

    Making a phone for everyone will not be as easy. HOWEVER, Apple is great at building OSes (the iPod OS is simple & intuitive and I have no doubt that they will do the same with a phone) and Apple is great at integration with software, so even though there will be hurdles to overcome, Apple will eventually churn out a phone that is simple and is loved by everyone.

    I also think there won't be a single serious Mac-User who won't have one. It'll just be too handy to have a device that will sync easily with the awesome Mac software.


    There's no reason why they will choose to exclude syncing with mac applications. iTunes for everyone, and extras for mac users. And really they would only have to write something that would deal with Outlook to cover most Windows users to keep everyone happy.

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. The body of a white Bentley
  • The body of a white Bentley

  • ChrisA
    Nov 26, 09:25 PM
    If the tablet had built-in Bluetooth and could use a wireless keyboard and mouse then it could replace a notebook computer. Maybe the keyboard snaps on and acts as a cover for the tablet screen. Maybe it's like a Macbook that come apart at the hingebut also you can write on the screen. You have to figure Apple is doing something different but yet this thing still runs the same Mac OS X Leopard as the other Macs.

    White Bentley Gt Coupe. Bentley Continental GT GT
  • Bentley Continental GT GT

  • dethmaShine
    May 4, 05:33 PM
    My opposition to this isn't because I think Digital Distribution is bad (the copy of Windows 7 I'm writing this on was downloaded, legally I might add, from Microsoft), it's because of how Apple is offering it.

    I was able to download a .iso of Windows and install it how I wanted to. I was able to back up the .iso to an external hard drive and also to burn a copy of it.

    The App Store (unless they change things) wouldn't allow that. I would have no problem with this if Apple included a way to create a DVD or USB installer from the download.

    Oh! I see. I can agree to that.

    If Apple does not allow that, I might as well go out and buy the DVD or USB for such a purpose.

    Aug 7, 04:12 PM
    All I can say is Apple better be coming out with a mid-range tower. Upping the baseline of the MacPro to $2500, what is that. Sure it looks like a sweet computer, but what about small businesses or starving artists who cant afford that. Now we're stuck with the all-in-ones.
    A small business that can't afford the low end MacPro at $2,124.00 should really take a good look at there business plan (it sounds more like a hobby than a business). A starving artist should invest their money on developing some new skills, so that they're not starving (I guess art just isn't it for them).

    These a PRO machines! If you can't afford them, then you should be looking at the iMac, a Mac Mini or shopping on eBay for a used computer.

    The price points are perfect.

    And for those people still whining about a mini-tower I have a suggestion for you. Try holding your breath until the announcement. That way we won't have to hear from you any more.

    I'm just wondering why adding an Airport or a different video card changes the estimate ship time from 3 to 5 business days to 3 to 5 weeks. Does it really take that long to open a box?

    Aug 2, 01:54 PM
    Ah, you're buying it at that tax-free thing right? This is a nice idea.

    yeah i am. but it's going to be hard just looking at the box all day. and i already have 2GB of RAM here for it as well :o

    May 4, 05:44 PM
    Wow, what a great job to completely and unfairly judge people.

    I consider myself OCD level organized. One of the reasons why I am so organized (more so than ever now) is because much of my media and software have transitioned to digital.

    You have a very negative spin on Apple's approach. Instead of "dumbing down", I'll call it "simplifying", and I absolutely welcome the change.

    I to have OCD, but I also realize that's its not hard providing an option for people to burn a copy of their digital download to a cd or disk. So far, as we know, they wont be allowing that.

    It doesn't make things harder, complicated or confusing providing such an option.

    Apr 26, 03:52 PM
    Why do these numbers never make sense to me? Massive iOS device sales, no reports of Android sales, yet -bam - Android takes over the world? I just don't get it...

    There are reports like this, then debunked, then a new one, then debunked. What is really going on?

    Apr 18, 02:52 PM
    They don't already have the IP? Suing company and people for the heck of it seems like a broken system to me.
    They have patents but they HAVE to pursue infringers or they can lose the rights to the patents. That's why you see so many patent lawsuits. Unfortunately, that's just how the system works (in very basic terms).

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