Sunday, October 9, 2011

15 Most Creative Ads

1.Stranger Radio Station

2.Find More Easily (Google)

3.Extreme Hot n spicy (Mama Itos Wasabi Boules)

4.Eye Boner (the Orange Apple)

5.Unlimited Incoming Calls (Archdiocese of Montreal)

6.Don’t Let Wood Get Old (Xyladecor)

7.You can lose more than your patience

8.For frequent use (3M Earplugs 1271, Calendar)

9.Get Them Off Your Dog (Frontline, Flea & Tick Spray)

10.Join the Forces of Darkness and save the Planet (WWF Earth Hour)

11.Joints: Does It Matter How You Achieve Your Spiritual High? (The United Church of Canada)

12.Nothing Gets to You Like a Letter (Deutsche Post)

13.Don’t Miss Your Target (13th Channel: the Crime Channel)

14.Victoria Bug Zoo

15.Polo Match: An endless List of Equipment